

noun – a skilled user of words; a fluent and prolific writer, especially one who writes professionally; a person whose vocation is writing

The Colella Communications tagline is “When Every Word Matters” because they do! Word counts, word placement, choices of words, nuances of words, and yes, the correct spelling of words – they all play a part in marketing your business or sharing your message. Say too little and you may leave people guessing. Say too much and you may lose your audience. Say it the wrong way and…well, it’s true that “It’s not what you say; it’s how you say it.” And for many of your existing and potential customers or supporters, the care you take in communicating your information reflects what they can expect in other areas, as well.

Part wordsmith, part storyteller, part public relations specialist, Colella Communications offers professional and experienced copywriting and copyediting services for a diverse range of clients and projects. My mission is to create engaging and uplifting online and print marketing content to increase awareness, attendance, involvement, fundraising, and sales.

What I do is all about sharing the story of what you do and helping you to succeed! Contact me to find out more.