Brookdale Community College Women's Conference
It was a day for women at Brookdale Community College on April 18, 2019, as the college hosted its Annual Women’s Conference. This year’s event was entitled Learn, Laugh, Lunch and was held in the Student Life Center on the Lincroft, NJ campus, sponsored by Brookdale’s Continuing and Professional Studies program.
A large audience packed the all-day event, which featured two fabulous keynote speakers. The first was Lisa Luckett, author of the book The Light in 9/11: Shocked by Kindness, Healed by Love, who spoke so eloquently about the loss of her husband on 9/11 and her powerful and inspiring journey to find healing, accept kindness, and embrace personal growth, positive change, and the good that arose from tragedy. The second speaker was Diane Ciotta, who gave a dynamic and entertaining presentation entitled Me, Myself, & My Attire about the unique qualities of clothing personalities and how to find your own.
After each speaker, attendees had the opportunity to attend their choice of morning and afternoon workshops, with topics that ranged from The Joy of Decluttering, Mindfulness Meditation, or Being Safe Online to the lives of Joan of Arc, Cleopatra, Mary Todd, and Jackie O.
The day also included a delicious buffet lunch and gifts to all the guests as they departed, already looking forward to the next Women’s Conference at Brookdale and the opportunity to learn, laugh, and lunch together.